The Classics Club has not scheduled its call-out meeting yet.
The club, formerly known as Latin Club, was a prominent group for nearly 30 years at this school, but membership has declined due to the busy schedules of students and the club’s sponsor, Caren Rickett.
“As kids get older, it’s harder for them to make time to be in all of the activities they would like to be in,” Rickett said.
In addition, when Rickett’s husband became sick in 2007, it became difficult for her to be as devoted to the club as necessary. Fortunately, her husband recovered, and now Rickett is looking forward to restarting the club.
“I’ve never been a member of Classics Club. It’s always interfered with the activities I’m in,” Clint Grable, senior and six-year Latin student, said.
The club, which never met last year, is open to all students, although taking Latin is suggested.
“Students should participate in the club so they can meet people who are studying Latin but aren’t necessarily in their class. It’s kind of fun to see who is studying the same language as you,” Rickett said.
If Classics Club gains members this year, they could partake in activities that the club has enjoyed in past years, such as competing in a branch of Brain Game for Latin students and being part of the Junior Classical League, which has a state convention at IU every spring.
“There’s always an interest in Classics Club,” Grable said. “It’s just a matter of making sure all the pieces fall into place.”