In anticipation of the premiere of the New Moon movie coming out on Nov. 20, the media center will have a contest in which students create a trailer for Stephenie Meyer’s New Moon, the book the movie is based on.
The trailer should be no longer than 45 seconds and must contain all original content made by students. The deadline for the book trailer is Oct. 28. Students should turn the trailer in to the media center on a DVD with their names and identification numbers.
Media tech manager Erin Thorpe said, “(The book trailer) will allow students to promote the book in an imaginative and creative way.”
Prizes for the contest include two movie tickets to New Moon on Nov. 20, a $10 Barnes & Nobles gift card and a New Moon poster.
Media center cameras are available for student use for this project. According to Megan Fettner, media center student aide and junior, the media center supplies resources outside of books. “We have computer resources as well as equipment such as the laminator,” she said. By Caroline Zhang <[email protected]>