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Media Specialists Hannah Barbato (left) and Teri Ramos (right) shelve books together on Mar. 1, 2024 at the CHS media center. “I really enjoy putting apart some of my time to shelve books and help students,” Ramos said.

Student, media center specialist, CCPL worker discuss the evolving role of libraries

Aida Karim March 6, 2024

When freshman Rethika Sathyamathan was working on her National History Day project (NHD), she said the changing support the library has offered her was vital to her success with research and data collecting,...

Senior Nick Stitle works on his next book on at the CHS Media Center on Feb 8th, 2024. The next book of Stitle's 'The Stormless' series is set to release sometime in 2024.

In honor of Library Lovers day, students, media assistant discuss the spiking trend of self-publishing

Aidah Brown February 15, 2024

The first of three annual book publishing seasons may have begun, but media assistant Terri Spilman said those processes can differ because of the varying ways of publishing. "There are a lot of different...

Senior Shannon Larkey reads the famous novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee on Feb. 18 at the CCPL. This novel is in the curriculum for both Honors English 8 and English 9, but has faced issues in other districts because of the language used in the text.

Students, media specialist debate banning books in schools

Lorna Ding February 28, 2023

Senior Shannon Larkey said she was reading a book for her English class when the teacher asked students to pass the book to the front of the classroom. Larkey said, “We were reading Homegoing last...

Principal Tim Phares stands at his new desk. Phares said the school is working to increase student safety and efficiency.

Administration considers new policies to increase efficiency

Archit Kalra and Chenyao Liu January 10, 2023

According to Principal Tim Phares, administration has been discussing the implementation of new pass and attendance policies. One of these policies will go into effect Friday, Jan. 13 and will require...

Media center, Carmel Clay Public Library collaborate, plan for future partnerships

Maryam Hafeez December 6, 2022

The media center and the Carmel Clay Public Library (CCPL) have worked together since the opening of the CCPL on Oct. 1 and have plans for future collaborations in the coming weeks and months.    Zach...

Terri Ramos, media center and communications department chairperson, looks at the schedule for the rest of the school year. She said other than the testing and classes occurring in the media center, there aren’t many other events scheduled for May.

Media center to have testing, classes, leading to less availability

Riley Laferriere April 29, 2021

The Media Center will host AP and IB testing along with health classes in their pods from April 23 until May 17 according to Terri Ramos, media center and communications department chairperson. When talking...

Terri Ramos, media center and communications department chairperson, reviews worksheets for the Red Cross water safety lessons. She will be distributing prizes to randomly selected students who completed the whole sheet correctly.

Planning Events for April, Teaching Lessons

Riley Laferriere March 31, 2021

Most events that will take place after spring break have not been determined yet according to Terri Ramos, media center and communications department chairperson, although some lessons are underway. Ramos...

Media center specialist Gail Marcopulos works to put up a display for Read Across America. This event is open to teachers and they can participate by sending in a ‘shelfie’ with their favorite book, as seen above, or by choosing a different way to participate.

New displays for March, small events

Riley Laferriere March 11, 2021

Multiple new displays and events are underway in the media center according to Terri Ramos, media center and communications department chairperson. Ramos said some of these displays include the LGBTQ...

Media Center to have new displays, book clubs

Riley Laferriere February 17, 2021

According to Terri Ramos, media center and communications department chairperson, there are events continuing within the media center, one being the new book club additions. These book clubs include the...

The media center is constantly changing out bulletin boards to keep up with current events and special movements. “There are a dozen displays and bookcases that happen and we change those about every month,” said Terri Ramos, media center and communications department chairperson.

Media Center Introduces New Book Clubs, Displays

Riley Laferriere January 27, 2021

The media center has multiple events, projects and new book clubs in the works right now according to Terri Ramos, media center and communications department chairperson. Ramos said there are currently...

National Picture Book Month is occurring in the Carmel High School and the media center staff has set up a display to showcase some of the books. Ramos said even though high school students may not benefit as much off of picture books as lower grades, students may check out books to share with younger siblings.

Media Center prepares for chance of virtual schooling, new events

Riley Laferriere November 25, 2020

There are some smaller media center events occurring in the next couple weeks according to Terri Ramos, the media center and communications department chairperson. Ramos said in the next few weeks, the...

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