According to head coach Matt Dillon, the sign-up sheets for Academic Superbowl are needed to be eligible to participate on the 2012-2013 team. These forms must be filled out and returned to Dillon’s room, E225, immediately.
Following the selection of club members, Dillon will host a second meeting to determine the assortment of subject squads and will begin determining their respective captains. The captains will be responsible for dividing up material, delegating authority and organizing bi-weekly meetings for their respective subject squads. Students who aspire to become captains must seek a separate form from Dillon in order to explain why they should be selected as a captain.
While the captain is officially recognized as the most imperative member of a subject squad, all participants must equally partake in the competition and learning of the materials. According to Dillon, this provides opportunities for students to work together to solve problems, and develops crucial leadership skills. Adit Chandra, former participant and sophomore, agrees.
“I really enjoyed this type of competition because it was truly a team effort. Members had to trust and rely on each other. Moreover, working with others to solve a question was always rewarding. You could learn so much from other members,” Chandra said.
This year the Academic Superbowl team will independently study Grecian literature, advances in mathematics, contributions to science or the history of early Greece, respective to their subject squad placement. According to Dillon, the only subject squad that may differ in style and format is the fine arts squad.
“Obviously with those subject areas, only certain things apply to them. The only one that is a little bit different is the fine arts squad, which is both visual and musical. Though they do usually blend those together, I’m not sure what kind of music they’ll come up with for Ancient Greece. That ought to be a little bit interesting,” Dillon said.
At the Academic Superbowl call-out meeting in early September, assistant coach James Ziegler talked with prospective member Joseph “Joe” Philleo. Philleo was one of the few freshmen in attendance at the meeting.
Information on the layout and schedule of the 2012-2013 senior division can be found here.