Academic Super Bowl is to start the new academic year. According to staff sponsor James Ziegler, the club will host a call-out meeting on Oct. 5 that will give students a chance to learn about the club and sign up for teams.
“We had a large number of kids sign up at the Freshman Activities Fair, so I think a good amount of time (at the call-out meeting) will be going over what Academic Super Bowl is, how is it structured, and what a general competition looks like,” Ziegler said.
Academic Super Bowl is a competitive academic-based club that involves six subject area teams: English, social studies, math, science, fine arts, and an interdisciplinary team that involves all the other five subject areas. Each team has a captain that acts as a guide for competitions and are expected to meet with their team at least every other week. According to Ziegler, captain applications are due Oct. 14 and interviews are scheduled a week after.
Senior Michelle Kim said she was drawn to Academic Super Bowl because she felt no other club had the competition that it had. Kim was involved in the club for the majority of high school.
“We’re unique in the way that we have multiple subject areas for people to join and explore their interests,” she said via email. “My favorite part about Academic Super Bowl is definitely the people on the team. We work together to make sure that everyone feels comfortable.”
For Ziegler, he also said the camaraderie of students is special to him and feels excited to work with a new group of students this year.
“I always like getting to work with the students in general. It’s always the best thing because it’s such an awesome group of students,” he said. “I hope a lot of students will show up who signed up and especially grow it amongst the lower classes so we have that program built up for years to come.”
“Joining Academic Super Bowl is an amazing way to get immersed in new subjects and meet new people,” Kim said. “We try to make everything as fun as possible.”