Best Buddies will have a Dine to Donate event on Dec. 14. The event will take place at Panera from 4-8 p.m. and a portion of Panera’s proceeds will be donated to Best Buddies. Best Buddies hopes to use this to help fundraise for the annual Friendship Walk. Their fundraising goal for this year is $2000. If they raise $2500, Best Buddies can send an officer to the National Conference in Bloomington. This is the last Best Buddies event this semester.
Ellie Stock, chapter president of Best Buddies and senior, said she wants to have a really successful fundraising event.
“We hope to see everyone there!” Stock said.
Isabella (Belle) Davis, fundraising officer and sophomore, said she hopes to have a successful fundraising event.
“We’ve accomplished multiple successful Dine to Donates,” Davis said via email.
Sponsor Tony Dunham said he defers many club decisions to the officers and the students.
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