The Senate-sponsored blood drive will take place on Sept. 6 from 8 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. in the fieldhouse, according to Senate sponsor Michelle Foutz. Donors who have signed up will be assigned a time to donate during the day of the blood drive.
Prospective donors must be over 15 years old, Foutz said, and those who are 16 years old exactly must have a parental consent form signed and turned into the activities office in order to donate.
Senate members are also heavily involved in organizing activities for homecoming week, Foutz said, from the parade and homecoming court crowning to trike races to spirit days to the music played during passing period.
(See here for the HiLite’s full homecoming coverage)
In the weeks leading up to homecoming, students should turn in trike race forms to the activities office by Sept. 11, Foutz said, and they will find the spirit day suggestion box there as well.
For Senate members, between organizing homecoming and the blood drive, Foutz said, “We’re very busy.”
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