Students about to begin their college search may find themselves wondering what career path to choose. The College and Career Resource Center (CCRC) at Carmel High School devoted itself to helping those students. The first program hosted by the CCRC this year will be the Junior and Senior College Information Night, which takes place on Sept. 22 at 6:30 PM in the Freshman Cafeteria, according to the College and Career Programming Coordinator Melinda Stephan.
“This program includes several breakout sessions on topics relevant for juniors and seniors, as well as a general opening session,” Stephan said via email.
The CCRC takes responsibility for helping students further their education by applying to college. One way the CCRC helps students is through Naviance.
Stephan says students should keep their email updated through Naviance and check their email often.
“We communicate so much via email here in the CCRC and the Counseling Department,” she said. “It is important for students to check their email to stay up to speed on things they should be doing, as well as resources and opportunities.”
Stephan strives to relieve the stress and anxiety from the college planning process.
“Our goal is always to help students and families navigate the post-high school planning process, no matter where in the process nor their plans,” said Stephan.
The CRCC is and will send emails including information about when events will take place, how to sign up for them, and different contact information for staff in the CCRC.