After transitioning to leaders, the tutoring group Students for Education is planning for several fundraising events later this year. Aghilah Nadaraj, vice president and senior, said the club is trying to increase member involvement in its activities.

“We only have a few weeks of the school year left, but we still want to find a few ways for members to be more active in the club,” Nadaraj said. “Tutoring is still going on right now, and we’re working on what we want to do for Houndstock.”
According to sponsor Sherri Pankratz, the club’s meetings and activities are almost entirely run by the officers.
“I leave most of the day-to-day functions of the club to the students,” Pankratz said.
As for Nadaraj, she said she believes the club has been very successful despite the challenges it faced this year.
“Since this was the first year after the original founders left, I think we were able to continue the club and its goals very well,” Nadaraj said. ”Houndstock will be the last Students for Education event I am a part of, but I know the club will continue to grow as long as its members are dedicated to helping the kids at Coburn.”