Although Freshman Aaron Shi said that he plans to have most of his classes in the rest of his high school career filled with rigorous AP courses, Shi also said that he still plans on continuing classes that he enjoys, such as orchestra. Counseling department chairperson Linda Skafish said that continuing interests in areas outside of academics is a good idea. “Ivy Leagues are always telling you that they’re looking for well-rounded students who aren’t just focused on the academics, but have developed and grown with other interests and talents too,” Skafish said. DENNIS YANG / PHOTO
According to counseling department chairperson Linda Skafish, freshmen and sophomores will meet with their counselors on Nov. 6.
Then, at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 7, ninth– and tenth–grade parent meetings will take place in the freshman cafeteria and the Dale E. Graham Auditorium respectively, Skafish said. On Nov. 12, official scheduling for the Freshman and Sophomore Classes will begin.
Skafish said that one aspect of scheduling well is exploration.
“It’s good to do a little bit of exploration to get to know what’s out there, to expose yourself to other things, especially when you’re uncertain about where you’re heading,” Skafish said.
In addition, Skafish also said that another aspect is to take challenging courses.“We want students to take AP. We know that if (a student) is college-bound, it’s good to take AP courses here because it’s going to get (that student) ready for college,” Skafish said.
Freshman Aaron Shi said he agrees. “You can’t get into a good college with just regular (classes),” Shi said. “And besides, I want to challenge myself with every class, and sometimes I feel like regular, or even honors, isn’t up to par with that.”
Shi, who said he has planned out his classes for high school, said that scheduling well is a crucial factor of getting into a good college. “I think that scheduling is everything,” he said. “My dad always said, ‘You have to plan.’ So I think that good scheduling will result in colleges seeing you in a higher level.”