Key Club members are currently getting ready to volunteer at the daddy-daughter dance hosted at the Monon Center and the YMCA on Feb. 9. The Monon Center and the YMCA both host this dance every year for elementary school girls and their dads to go. Key Club President Kiki Koniaris said, “We have a lot of Key Club members volunteering for that and still gonna get a few more actually.” According to Koniaris, there will be different positions to work at the dance such as set up, clean up, and photographer.
Key Club members are also applying for next year’s executive board. Available roles include president, vice president, etc. Katie Kelly, co-sponsor of Key Club, said, “What we would like to is to have our executive officers in place soon.” Key Club members will fill out a paper application and Kelly and other Co-Sponsor Jill Grimes will interview to determine the executive officers for next year. By Marvin Fan