Senate is currently in the middle of working on Care to Share.
Student body president Julia Heath said, “We already sent out the forms and all the SRTs who wanted to participate have sent them back in.”
Heath said that Senate is now waiting to hear back from the Carmel Youth Assistance program about family contact information so they can ask what gifts they need as well as get information about clothing and shoe sizes.
Senate sponsor Michelle Foutz said that even with COVID-19 Senate is working to make sure Care to Share is able to happen.
Senate will also be holding elections for student body vice president soon. Heath said that all students who want to run for student body president must first run for student body vice president.
About the role of student body vice president, Heath said, “Throughout the year I’ll be telling them what I’m doing and getting their input on things.”
Heath also said she’s in the middle of working on giving senators evaluations.
In the month of November, Heath also said Senate will be holding educational support staff appreciation week.