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Senate to host their annual Winter Formal

Jenny Li January 28, 2025

Student body president Sophie Parker says the Senate will host its annual Winter Formal event on Jan. 31. “(Winter Formal) is on Jan. 31, in the Fieldhouse, after the Ben Davis basketball game so...

Senate sponsor Michelle Foutz talks to the senators during SSRT. Foutz said Senate is currently working on graduation.

Senate wraps up year, prepares for graduation

Lillian He May 26, 2021

Now that student body president, speaker of the house, senate, and class officer elections are complete, the only event remaining for Senate is graduation. According to student body president Julia Heath,...

Senate conducts elections for next year

Lillian He April 21, 2021

Senate has now wrapped up their last major event of the school year, March Madness, and is now looking forward to electing next year’s student body president and speaker of the house. According to student...

Student body president Julia Heath talks with another Senate member during SRT. Heath said Senate is finishing up Brain Games and has many activities planned for second semester.

Senate continues working on brain games, looks ahead to other second semester activities including March Madness

Lillian He March 2, 2021

Currently, Senate is working on running their wide array of second-semester activities. Brain Games, which began last month will continue into March, with the finals being broadcast live on CHTV according...

Student body president Julia Heath talks with another Senate member during SRT. Heath said Senate is currently working on Brain Games.

Senate runs annual Brain Games

Lillian He February 10, 2021

Currently, Senate is working on running their typical second-semester activities, with slight changes made to accommodate the new restrictions set amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Senate sponsor Michelle...

House and Cabinet postpone Runway for Riley

Tessa Collinson November 19, 2020

Due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases at CHS, House and Cabinet decided to postpone their annual Runway for Riley event, according to Cabinet sponsor Sarah Wolff. “We have decided to postpone this...

Student body president Julia Heath talks with another Senate member during SRT. Heath said Senate is currently working on Care to Share.

Senate continues working on Care to Share

Lillian He November 17, 2020

Senate will be working on Care to Share until winter break. According to Senate Sponsor Michelle Foutz, Senate is currently waiting to hear back from the Carmel Youth Assistance Program. “We are waiting...

Student body president Julia Heath sits in SRT. Heath said Senate is currently in the middle of working on Care to Share.

Senate works on Care to Share, student body vice president elections, educational support staff appreciation week

Lillian He November 10, 2020

Senate is currently in the middle of working on Care to Share. Student body president Julia Heath said, “We already sent out the forms and all the SRTs who wanted to participate have sent them back...

Student body president Julia Heath talks with another Senate member during SRT. Heath said that while this year may look different for Senate because of COVID-19, she is excited about their upcoming events.

Senate finishes Homecoming activities, looks ahead to Care to Share, appreciation weeks

Lillian He October 8, 2020

Senate is continuing to prepare for various activities that will take place throughout the first semester. According to Senate sponsor Michelle Foutz, all newly elected senators have been added to the...

Senate starts year with Elections, planning for Custodial Appreciation Week, Homecoming

Lillian He September 16, 2020

Senate started off their school year by holding elections. According to Senate sponsor Michelle Foutz, elections ended Sept. 11 and results were given over the announcements Sept. 14 and 15. Foutz said...

Senate continues organizing Care to Share, begins contacting United Way

Asim Dhungana November 14, 2016

According to Senate sponsor Michelle Foutz, Nov. 3 was the deadline for each SRT to submit its online survey about its commitment for Care to Share, and senators will now begin contacting United Way. Foutz...

Senate prepares for fall blood drive, homecoming activities

Senate prepares for fall blood drive, homecoming activities

Beats September 4, 2014

According to Senate sponsor Michelle Foutz, the Senate-sponsored annual fall blood drive will take place in the field house from 8 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. on Sept. 5. Donors who have signed up will be assigned...

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