Junior Veronica Farrell
Why did you decide to take your job at Carmel Elementary School?
I decided to take this job for a few reasons, but mostly to help younger children understand other disabilities. To clarify, my disability is dwarfism. (Being able to) show other kids at a young age that (my disability) is normal really impacts them throughout their life. Also, my younger brother goes to (Carmel Elementary), and he’s had multiple occasions of kids not being nice, because they just don’t understand him. I took the job (to help) kids understand that (people with dwarfism) are normal.
What’s been your favorite part of the job so far?
Honestly, just meeting kids. It’s such a nice feeling when kids are welcoming. They’re so sweet, and they just don’t care. It’s so sweet; it’s adorable.
Would you say you have a least favorite part?
I guess dealing with (kid’s bad behavior), but I don’t think anyone likes to deal with behaviors.
How do you deal with these behaviors when they come up?
I really try to take the calm approach and just sit with them, especially if they’re going through a (rough time). I try to sit with them, tell them I’m here if (they) ever want to talk. I’ll sit with them until they calm down and they’re in the mood to talk, and then they’ll talk, but if they need some time and space, I’ll go do my thing, they’ll come back and reevaluate. If it’s an anger (issue), then I really try to reassure them and say, “If you keep on doing this, you’re going to get a time out, take some time off, and think about why you’re doing this.” I’ll explain to them after the time’s up how they can (manage their anger).
Do you have any favorite stories from your job?
I really love doing arts and crafts, solely because if kids don’t like their craft, they want to give it to me. I have so many crafts, and the kids love Rainbow Loom. During spring break, my entire (room) was covered in Rainbow Loom.

Senior Zoey LaFollette
What does a typical day look like at your job?
I get to (Carmel Elementary) around 2:40. I get ready there and check (an) iPad for (my daily) schedule so I know what (area) I am in. Then, I go to one of the three pods we have, and I help them transition to either snack (time) or homework time or recess. Then, after all the (activities are completed), we come back together for club time, and we have a lot of activities for (the kids). When clubs are over, I either go to free time, which is on the playground, or I help clean the cafeteria.
What made you want to take your job?
I took this job for a class at the high school, called work-based learning. But before that, I had been taking the early childhood development classes. But (I do my job) because I love working with kids. Watching them learn and knowing I’m helping them is a great feeling. The kids help brighten my day when I need it. But I’ve also known from a young age that I wanted to work with kids.
Do you want to work with younger kids after high school? Why or why not?
Yes, I would love to work with younger kids (after I graduate). After high school, I’m still going to work at Carmel Elementary, and (I’m also going to) take early childhood education classes for college. I like being a big part (of the lives of little kids) and teaching them to do things they couldn’t before.
Do you have any especially memorable experiences from your work?
The Valentines PNO we had, which is a parent’s night out. We got to make a bunch of valentines cards. I was just excited and happy that I could do that with (the kids), and make cards for the kids as well.
What’s something people should know about working with kids?
(People should know that) working with kids is a lot. It seems fun, but sometimes, it’s not. (However), if you have a passion to work with kids, do it. By Evelyn Foster