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Junior Veronica Farrell interacts with a Carmel Elementary School student at her after-school job on April 30. Farrell said one of her favorite parts of her job is helping kids make crafts.

Q&A with junior Veronica Farrell and senior Zoey LaFollette on experiences working with elementary school students

Evelyn Foster May 13, 2024

Junior Veronica Farrell Why did you decide to take your job at Carmel Elementary School? I decided to take this job for a few reasons, but mostly to help younger children understand other disabilities....

Q&A with Sergeant Troy Smith, CCS SRO, K9 supervisor, trainer, about K-9 officers

Q&A with Sergeant Troy Smith, CCS SRO, K9 supervisor, trainer, about K-9 officers

Safin Khatri March 20, 2024

Can you share with us the daily duties and responsibilities of a K-9 officer? Our K-9 officers are just like any other patrol officer. They respond to calls for service and things, and then they...

Junior Sriyesh Sirineni works on his Integrated Marketing Campaign paper on Feb. 16 for upcoming DECA competitions. Sirineni said his motivation for DECA comes from the opportunity to travel to California and the social aspects during competitions.

Q&A with junior Sriyesh Sirineni on DECA competitions

Avery Carlisle March 3, 2024

What event do you participate in for DECA competitions? This year I did a paper, specifically Integrated Marketing Campaign.  Why did you choose your event? I'm in IB Business and for IB Business...

Sophomores Luke Boyce and Hannah Sevening rehearse for their duo musical act on Jan. 17. They prepared for the upcoming Indiana State Thespians Conference on Jan. 19-20.

Q&A with sophomores Luke Boyce, Hannah Sevening on Theater, competing at the Thespian State Conference

Avani Gupta January 19, 2024

Sophomore Luke Boyce What are the competitions that are included in the Thespian State Conference? (Thespian State Conference), which lasts for three days, is sponsored by the National Theatre Education...

Sophomore and ballerina Haylie Fletcher practices the "Arabesque" ballet position. Fletcher performed in "The Nutcracker" at The Center for the Performing Arts. Shows began in November.

Q&A with Haylie Fletcher on ballet, The Nutcracker show at the Palladium

Safin Khatri November 27, 2023

Can you describe your journey as a ballet dancer and how it has led you to your role in “The Nutcracker?” I was put into ballet at the age of 3, and I really just liked the idea of the pretty tutus...

Sophomore Hillary Yang poses with the Pyraminx. Yang said her average time for the Pyraminx is 2.8 seconds, while her best is 1.8 seconds, the second best in the nation for females.

Q&A with sophomore Hillary Yang, Rubik’s cubing, developing niche interests

Emma Hu November 8, 2023

What is cubing? (Cubing is) a lot of different puzzles, and you just solve them. There’s something called the World Cube Association, or the WCA, and there are 17 events (you can compete in). How...

Senior Srinija Darapureddy and Junior Jahnavi Avula

Q&A with Senior Srinija Darapureddy and Junior Jahnavi Avula, writing to inspire

Safin Khatri October 31, 2023

Can you tell us about your journey as a writer and how you got started publishing a book?  First over summer break, Srinija and I, were reading articles and we learned about gender disparity (in) STEM...

Sophomore Anoushka Jena poses in her dobok for Taekwondo. Doboks are worn traditionally in Korean martial arts.

Q&A with sophomore Anoushka Jena, Taekwondo, discipline, learning transferable skills

Emma Hu September 27, 2023

What is Taekwondo?  Taekwondo is a very old form of martial arts that originated in South Korea. It’s one of the oldest forms of martial arts, about 2000-ish years old, and it’s all about self-defense.  What...

Senior Anabelle Yang holds her finished croissants. She said she enjoys baking French breads and pastries.

Q&A with senior Anabelle Yang, baking, exercising creativity, personality

Ava Reddick May 20, 2023

How did you get interested in baking? I think it has been since middle school, I don’t really know what started it. One of (the) first things I remember (is) I baked rainbow bagels because when I was...

Freshman Franklin Vrtis plays his game Roundabouts with his father. He said that he was inspired to make a tile based game from another popular card game, "Carcasonne."

Q&A with freshman Franklin Vrtis, board game design, business

Jasmine Zhang April 29, 2023

Freshman Franklin Vrtis created "Roundabouts," a board game based on the City of Carmel. Here is his story. What made you want to design a board game based on Carmel roundabouts?  We moved here from...

Science teacher Craig Harper (left) on the Appalachian Trail next to the Mt. Katahdin sign in Maine in 2005. He said the best part of hiking is not knowing what would happen the next day.

Q&A with science teacher Craig Harper, hiking the Appalachian Trail

Ava Reddick March 29, 2023

What is the Appalachian Trail?  It is 2,200 miles, so you can start in Maine and go through 13 states to Georgia, or you can start in Georgia and go to Maine. It usually takes people five to six months. How...

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