Second grade teacher Kelly Meyer arrived at Mohawk Trails Elementary School on April 10 ready for an ordinary day filled with math lessons, spelling quizzes, and recess. However what she got was not quite so ordinary. In a surprise ceremony that included Carmel Clay Schools (CCS) Superintendent Jeff Swensson, Meyer was presented with the 2012 Stephen A. Backer Teacher of the Year for CCS award.
According to Swensson, Meyer won the award because of her “positive, rigorous and effective instructional strategies.” She was nominated for this award by various parents, students and staff members and then selected by a committee of teachers and administrators, as well as a representative from the Carmel Education Foundation. Meyer has taught at CCS schools since 1991 and even attended Mohawk Trails Elementary as a student. She will now go on to represent CCS in the statewide Teacher of the Year contest.