What about the courts are changing as part of the remodeling process?
The courts have already been torn out completely. The asphalt is being replaced with post tension concrete. Walkways are in place between decks. A perimeter fence is being added to control the flow of fans and opposing teams. New fences around the actual courts and new gates. Lights will be added to the first 5 courts.
How long will the courts be under construction?
The goal is to have the courts done by August 1st.
How will the remodeling efforts impact the team?
For one season, in the spring, the girls will practice and play matches at the middle school courts.
Will new practice strategies be available to the team after the remodel/Will practice change at all due to the remodel?
For starters, the courts will play much more fair. Viewing will be much better. It will be easier to use video cameras on all courts. We can practice and play matches as long as we need to with the new lights.
What about this remodel are you most excited for?
I am personally excited to have a state of the art facility to be proud of. I think this large investment from the district will enhance everyone’s experience, including but not limited to student-athletes, fans, parents, opposing teams, officials, etc…
Is there anything else you want to say about the tennis court remodel I haven’t asked you yet?
It is an exciting time to be a CHS tennis player and showcase the many accomplishments of previous teams while providing motivation to keep improving and bringing more state championships to CHS.