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Your source for CHS news


CHS students reflect on the implications of healthy versus excessive exercise

CHS students reflect on the implications of healthy versus excessive exercise

News May 19, 2016

Senior Haleigh Overshiner participates in school athletics and said she considers fitness to be an important part of her everyday life, like many CHS students. As a varsity runner on the women’s track...

Celebrate the beginning of summer with strawberry lemonade

Celebrate the beginning of summer with strawberry lemonade

studentsection May 19, 2016

With school ending on May 25 and summer coming around the corner, students need a quick and easy way to beat the heat. This delicious and simple strawberry lemonade recipe will help you chill out in the...

National History Day (NHD) club members to compete in NHD state competition

National History Day (NHD) club members to compete in NHD state competition

News April 21, 2016

On Saturday, 12 CHS students will compete in the National History Day (NHD) state contest at Ivy Tech Community College. Finalists from the regional competition were selected as one of the top three in...

Freshmen, sophomores to take ISTEP+, sophomores to take ECA as well

Freshmen, sophomores to take ISTEP+, sophomores to take ECA as well

News February 19, 2016

Freshman Jake Pearson sits on the back of the football team bus on the way to Homestead for the Regional Championships; however, something is on his mind. “Trust me, I love watching sports-related videos,”...

CHS students, teachers discuss upcoming  film adaptation ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’

CHS students, teachers discuss upcoming film adaptation ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’

entertainment January 21, 2016

S cheduled for release on Feb. 5, Seth Grahame-Smith’s parody of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, takes a path different from the average 19th-century love story. The film, “Pride and Prejudice...

CHS to offer collegiate schedule option for seniors to help prepare them for college transition

CHS to offer collegiate schedule option for seniors to help prepare them for college transition

News December 14, 2015

Next school year, an optional, college-style schedule will be available to seniors who fulfill certain requirements. With this schedule, eligible students must take the equivalent of four fully-weighted...

Samantha Wolfe, NHS member and senior, carries a recycling bin for the Ghosts and Goblins Run/Walk. NHS received a grant from Carmel Green Teen that they will use to set up recycling stations.

NHS uses Carmel Green Teen grant to promote variety of recycling methods

News November 13, 2015

Last year, the CHS National Honor Society (NHS) received the Carmel Green Teen grant. This grant then motivated NHS members to promote recycling at CHS-sponsored events. Such activities include providing...

Carmel Clay Public Library hires new director

Carmel Clay Public Library hires new director

News September 16, 2015

On Aug. 17, Carmel Clay Public Library (CCPL)’s new director, Carolyn Goolsby, began work. She replaced the acting director, Nancy Newport, who replaced Wendy Phillips, the previous director of 15...

Senior Mehar Athar looks at her collection of Islamic religious texts which outline the beliefs of her religion. While identifying as a Muslim, Athar said she believes people should make conscious social decisions based on their own beliefs before integrating their own beliefs. Swetha Nakshatri / Photo

Students recognize changing effect of religion on social views

feature August 11, 2015

Odelia Satchivi, Catholic, social moderate and junior, attends church at Our Lady of Mount Carmel every week, is an active member of her church youth group and participates in regular church retreats....

Media department chairperson Theresa Ramos holds up an old electronic to be used in the new makerspace. According to Ramos, this makerspace, created with  donated electronics, video games, and a grant the media center has received, will be a place for students to learn and express their creativity.  SWETHA NAKSHATRI / PHOTO

Media center to build makerspace with grant, donated video games, electronics

News August 11, 2015

The media center will include stations for students to be creative and create, invent and learn about working with electronics and building crafts, according to media department chairperson Theresa Ramos....

During a meeting, Natalie Cotherman, Interact Club member and sophomore, discusses ideas and organization for the Hounds for Hounds event. Members will host Hounds for Hounds on Tuesday in the freshman cafeteria. SWETHA NAKSHATRI / PHOTO

Interact Club partners with Paws and Think to host Hounds for Hounds

News April 24, 2015

Interact Club will host Hounds for Hounds on Tuesday in the freshman cafeteria from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for $2 per person. The club is partnering Paws and Think to bring  10 to 15 dogs to play with students. Gabby...

A Classical Adventure: CHS orchestras to perform in Vienna, Austria during spring break

A Classical Adventure: CHS orchestras to perform in Vienna, Austria during spring break

entertainment March 20, 2015

During spring break, the CHS orchestras will take a trip to perform in Vienna, Austria. The orchestra program does a performance tour every three years, with the last excursion having occurred in 2012...

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