Dressing up for Halloween can be a stressful experience. First you have to decide on a costume; then you have to figure out the best way to create it. Sometimes, store-bought is the best option, but other times, putting together some items from home is cheaper and easier. This year, the HiLite not only has costume ideas for you, but also a quick guide to where to buy them and how to make them.
• Target only had cowboy accessories and a toddler-size costume. They have more options on their website but little variety in the store.
• Halloween City also only had cowboy accessories but with a better selection.
o Cowboy hat: $14.99
o Strip of bullets: $8.99
o Whip/lasso: $5.99
o Bandana: $3.99
o Total: $33.96 plus shirt, pants and shoes from home
• The homemade costume was the best option for this because buying anything from stores would not have resulted in a full costume. Pair some jeans with a plaid shirt and add a bandana or hat for a completed look. A holster, toy gun and any other accessories are finishing touches.
• Target only had a variety of accessories, but once again there was no actual costume to buy.
o Head and tail: $5
o Mask: $4
o Pitchfork: $8
o Red boot tops: $10
o Total: $27 plus red and black clothes
• Halloween City had a big display of both devil accessories and costumes. Here are the prices of items similar to those available at Target.
o Six-piece set of mask, horns, tail, cuffs and choker: on sale for $12.93
o Pitchfork: $3.99
o Total: $16.92 plus red and black clothes
• Making a devil costume at home was more difficult than the cowboy, and combining elements from other costumes was key for this one.
o Horns: Cut out horns from red paper and attach to a headband.
o Cape: Use a vampire or superhero cape.
o Pitchfork: After finding or making the top, attach it to the end of a broomstick.
o Clothes: Mix anything black and red in your closet. (I used part of an old dance costume for the red top.)
Where’s Waldo?
• Both Target and Halloween City had the same Waldo costume. Target’s price was $20, while Halloween City’s was $39.99. Both seem overpriced for just a shirt, hat and glasses.
• The homemade costume was just as easy to make and much cheaper.
o Shirt: Find a red-and-white-striped shirt or paint stripes on a plain-colored one.
o Glasses: Everybody knows someone with Harry Potter glasses; they work perfectly for Waldo, too.
o Hat: Use a winter hat and safety pin a pompom on the top. Any combination of red and white will do.
Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz
• Target’s Dorothy came with her dress and hair bows. It was $40, which was way too much despite the amount of rhinestones covering the outfit.
• Halloween City also had a Dorothy dress. Although it lacked the sparkle factor, it was only $29.99 for just as cute a dress. They also had platform ruby slippers that had an approximate 4-inch heel. The shoes were $34.99, but who says you couldn’t wear them on a daily basis? A more practical accessory was the dog basket, with a dog included, for $15. So for $5 more than Target’s dress, you could get a costume, basket and dog at Halloween City.
• The homemade Dorothy costume shows an example of turning an ugly, Goodwill dress into something useful.
o Dress: Look for anything with Dorothy’s signature blue-and-white gingham pattern. If it’s already a dress, adjust for sizing and embellish with white buttons and accents of blue ribbon.
o Basket: Find a small basket around the house. Place a stuffed dog inside as a makeshift Toto or use as a purse or candy container.
o Shoes: I found these at Target in the kids’ department about a year ago for around $8. Splurge on the ruby slippers for the full effect, or add red, sparkly ribbon to a pair of shoes you already own.
• Just like the cowboy costume, Target only had a pirate costume for children. The website advertises a women’s costume for $30.
• Halloween City had an entire display of pirate swords, hats, jewelry and entire costumes for both men and women. The prices for whole costumes ranged from $15 to $50 depending on the quality and amount of included accessories.
• The homemade pirate was originally an old costume of my brothers from years ago. I turned shorts into a skirt and added fishnet tights, the same bandana from the cowboy costume and one hoop earring.
Final Analysis
Target had a great selection of masks, hats and random accessories, but not very many costume choices. Halloween City had pretty much everything, but some of their pieces were overpriced. Look for sale items or buy only signature and reusable items from there. Putting together costumes at home took more time and creativity, but in the long run, you save money and have more fun. To add to your supply at home, buy cheap possibilities at Goodwill, return to the Halloween stores after the holiday and buy clearance items, or check your attic for your old costumes to see if any of them can be modified to fit you now. With these tips, your friends will have to vote you best dressed on Oct. 31.