According to Caren Rickett, club sponsor and Latin teacher, the club will meet April 12 to discuss upcoming officer elections for the club and for the Indiana Junior Classical League (IJCL). The IJCL is a branch of the national JCL, the organization that hosts events such as the State Convention.
Last weekend, Rickett joined club members at the State Convention. According to Katie Schmelz, Latin club member and senior, the convention was very busy and the Latin Club placed fifth for the sweepstakes for small delegations. However, Schmelz said that there are no officers from CHS on the JCL board.
“It was so fun. There was always something to do,” Schmelz said. “I won first for textiles for a quilt I made. My friends placed first for dolls and my other friend did the talent show and was named the fan favorite; he helped the organization raise over $300.”
According to Rickett, this year, the theme was a comedy ‘improv’ team called HoosOnFirst. They competed with other schools across Indiana in contests previously mentioned as well as academic tests and spirit, dressing up in togas and Roman clothing.
“My favorite part was my part of the officer skit. We did a dance battle after we were broken up into three groups. The president and I were grouped together so we did ‘Walk the Dinosaur.’ The president dressed up in an inflatable Dino suits that we bought online and we danced,” Schmelz said.