Teens with a Choice club will have a meeting Nov. 8 according to club president and junior Sasha Matsuki. She said the club will discuss plans for a possible fundraiser in the upcoming months.
“(We) want to organize a fundraiser, both through the club and through the school, to raise money and collecting items for a women’s shelter downtown Indy. With the winter season coming up, it’s good to get back into giving back to the community around us,” Matsuki said.
The members also partake in focused, open discussions each meeting. Sponsor Chad Andrews said, “The club is really engaged with having thoughtful discussions on reproductive rights and related issues to it… For many of the students, they’re most excited about being able to have these open discussions.”
Matsuki said the club’s discussions and plans span broader than abortion-rights issues. She said, “Common misconceptions about our club is that we only care about abortion, but the scope of what we talk about is much broader than that. We’re an all-encompassing club. We don’t just focus on a singular issue of abortion, women’s reproductive rights span a lot more than that.”