The Chemistry Club will be meeting on Oct. 2 in room B212 where they will be doing their traditional ice-cream experiment according to Jonathan Yang, Chemistry Club officer and senior.
This year, the Chemistry Club will also give out chemistry tutoring sessions for any students that may need it. Jodie Yoshitomi, Chemistry club officer and senior said via email, “I was thinking about having a couple of chemistry tutors, myself included, from science peer tutoring to see if they can help students who need that extra guidance on days we have meetings.”
Students who need tutoring will work with the tutors instead of participating in the available classes that day. However if the student wants to participate in the experiment, they will be able to do so as well.
Yang said, “Members in the chem(istry) club are passionate about chemistry and they can be more specialized in chemistry tutoring than the general science tutors.”
Sponsor Scott Seymour said he defers all club decisions to the officers and the students.