GKOM will begin looking through applications and selecting applicants for next year’s GKOM group, which will be announced the Monday before spring break. According to club sponsor Ryan Ringenberg, he will select applicants to become GKOM members and choose current junior members to represent GKOM on council.
“Mrs. Overbeck, the current Council and I will conduct interviews with those GKOMs who indicated that they wish to be on GKOM Council next year as seniors,” Ringenberg said. “We will also utilize the help of freshman teachers to determine who next year’s GKOMs will be as we typically only select around 300 GKOMs.”
Landon McAfee, GKOM council member and senior, along with other current council members, will be a part of the process of creating a new council.
“The GKOM council will help with interviewing the juniors who want to be on council next year,” McAfee said. “It’s important that we choose the right people as our leaders for next year.”
Ringenberg said GKOM members are also working on the presentation for their next connections session on March 21, discussing the topic of perseverance.