This year the Spanish classes have been working to improve their curriculum and learning content to further educate students who elect to take the course. Teachers in charge of the Spanish courses have been adjusting their curriculum, teaching methods, learning tools and educational programs in order to focus the course on proficiency and real life application.
Spanish teacher Gabriela Mendoza said “We are working on improving our curriculum every year to make it more proficiency based.”
Spanish teachers have been augmenting their courses to follow the pace of the students so that they can feel challenged all while ensuring that the work is accomplishable.This augmentation has even extended to the upcoming ACE at the end of the school year.
Mendoza said “We are farther along this year than last year so the ACE will have to be modified for this year.”
When Sophia Yáñez, a Spanish 2 student and freshman, was asked about what the Spanish ACE should include she said “I think they should cover and include everything we’ve learned and include foods and animals.” by Preston Sumners