Students go to their buses in the west parking lot after school, which leave around 3:20 p.m. every day. With winter weather approaching, Farrand said he reminds students to arrive at their bus stops or to their buses early in order to avoid accidents in slippery circumstances. PATEL / PHOTO
The transportation department plans to add the new position of “Lead Driver” to each school location, according to Ron Farrand, director of facilities and tran
sportation, via email. These Lead Drivers will serve as a connection between individual driver’s and the transportation office, as well as between parents and the transportation office.
“This person will help with communication as well as assist with other tasks to better address our student riders and their families,” Farrand said.
Farrand also said that with winter weather approaching, he advises students to be at their stops five minutes earlier than usual in order to avoid accidents with students running to catch their buses in icy conditions.
“Safety is of the greatest concern,” he said.
In regards to bus procedures, however, Farrand said there are no significant changes other than drivers having to start a few minutes earlier to defrost windows.
Senior Jonas Wang said he believes that while ice and snow can cause problems, he has no real concerns riding the bus.
“I don’t think the bus, or at least my bus, will have any issues when winter comes around,” Wang said. “Riding in the car poses the same risks, so it wouldn’t matter either way.”
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