According to Caren Rickett, club sponsor and Latin teacher, the club will meet Nov. 12 to prepare for the state convention. According to Rickett, the club meets in A231 until the late bus, where late bus passes will then be provided.
According to Katie Schmelz, senior and club member, at their last meeting Nov. 23, the club did logistic work including fundraiser planning and coming up with service project ideas. Club members are also preparing for the Indiana Junior Classical League (IJCL) event. This coming meeting, the club will focus on state convention registration and what it entails, Schemlz said.
According to Schmelz, each meeting follows a similar schedule: talk about the syllabus, conduct activities, eat food and then plan for the next meeting. However, each meeting is equally exciting, because new members show up and old members return to hang out and enjoy Latin.
“We have about 6 members who will travel to Purdue University for a day long event to meet new people. That’s my favorite part,” Secretary and senior Jordan Galloway said. “And the ability to do fundraisers and come up with different service projects makes Latin Club not only a club about the language, but culture and helping each other.” By Grace Zhang
Photo: Secretary and senior Jordan Galloway hands out the weekly agenda at the beginning of the meeting. “The next meeting’s Tuesday so come out to the club and meet new people and eat good food,” Galloway said.
Latin Club to meet to prepare for convention
January 11, 2016