Carmel High School’s 2008-09 Pinnacle yearbook was named a Hoosier Star finalist with overall “Superior” ratings by the Indiana High School Press Association (IHSPA) in the organization’s 2009 publications critique.
Evaluations are completed by nationally-recognized faculty publications advisers affiliated with professional journalism organizations nationwide who consider categories such as concept, coverage, writing, photography, design and special details. The Pinnacle yearbook scored “Superior” marks in five of the six categories.
Books earning overall “Superior” rankings advance to the statewide Hoosier Star competition. Winners will be announced Oct. 22, 2010 at the annual IHSPA scholastic journalism convention. The event will be held at Franklin College in Franklin, Ind.
According to the critique commentary, “A book this good doesn’t happen by accident, and it is obvious your staff was prepared to do whatever it took to create a top-notch publication.”
Editors of the 2008-09 Pinnacle were Nathaniel ‘Nate’ Woeste (Ohio State University) and Jennifer ‘Jenn’ Cannady (Purdue University). The publication was advised by Nicole Wilson.
The 2008-09 Pinnacle is also a Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) Silver Medalist and is currently entered in the National Scholastic Press Association’s (NSPA) Pacemaker competition. Finalists in the Pacemaker competition will be announced in March 2010 at the Journalism Education Association’s (JEA) annual national scholastic journalism convention.
For more information, contact Pinnacle adviser Nicole Wilson at