The ComedySportz team, who compete in a sport revolving around improvised comedy, are holding their final rehearsals before competition season. Their first game is scheduled for Feb. 10.
According to ComedySportz sponsor Grant Steckbeck, despite the team making considerable improvement, there is still room to be better before the competition season starts.
“Individuals need work on the rhyming versus the straight-up improv games,” Steckbeck said. “So I think that a healthy combination would be nice.”
Ella Asher, the team’s captain and senior, said she is proud of the team for how much they’ve grown since August.
“I have seen an incredible improvement by the new members of the team,” Asher said. “Both in training out bad habits and in gaining energy and confidence.”
Steckbeck said the team has a large sense of comradery with each other.
He said, “There’s a good sense of belonging together as a team.” By Ryan Sharp