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  • ACE WEEK IS DEC. 16 - 19
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Your source for CHS news


Anime Club to introduce new anime and design locker signs on October 5

Beats September 23, 2015

Anime Club plans to meet again on October 5, following the previous meeting on September 21. The new schedule for meetings will be every Gold day Monday. This meeting will start off a fresh list of anime,...

Anime Club to meet on April 21

Beats April 15, 2014

According to Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and senior, Anime Club plans to meet on April 21 in the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room after school. Club sponsor Rita Winters said Chen handles all...

Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and senior, discusses Anime Club with another student during SRT. According to Chen, club members will watch a movie during the next meeting. SREYA VEMURI / PHOTO

Anime Club to meet March 10

Beats March 1, 2014

Anime Club members plan to host their next meeting after school on March 10 in the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room. Club sponsor Rita Winters said Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and senior,...

Anime Club sponsor Rita Winters talks with a teacher during a passing period. According to Winters, Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and senior, handles all club activities. SREYA VEMURI / PHOTO

Anime Club plans to meet Feb. 10

Beats February 10, 2014

Anime Club members are planning to host their next meeting on Feb. 10 in the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room after school. Club sponsor Rita Winters said Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and...

Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and senior, discusses Anime Club with another student during SRT. According to Chen, the club will be planning events for the spring semester at the next meeting. SREYA VEMURI / PHOTO

Anime Club to meet Jan. 27

Beats January 23, 2014

Anime Club members plan to conduct their next meeting on Jan. 27 in the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room after school. Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and senior, said, “Our last meeting...

Sophomore Shriya Vinjimoor puts away her drawing utensils after practicing drawing anime for the upcoming club meeting. According to Yanying Chen, club president and senior, drawing anime is a regular club activity. SREYA VEMURI / PHOTO

Anime Club plans to meet Dec. 2

Beats November 29, 2013

  Anime Club plans to have its next meeting on Dec. 2 in the large group instruction (LGI) room after school. According to Yanying Chen, club president and senior, at the next meeting members...

Anime Club plans to meet Nov. 18

Beats November 12, 2013

Anime Club plans to have its next meeting on Nov. 18 in the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room after school. According to club sponsor Rita Winters, Yanying Chen, Club president and senior, handles...

Sophomore Kimaya Raje plans out her day on the back of her notebook so she can make time to attend the Anime Club meeting. According to Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and senior, the club is always looking for new members.  SREYA VEMURI / PHOTO

Anime Club plans to use money from Homecoming booth to fund club activities

Beats September 26, 2013

Anime Club will have its next meeting on Sept. 30 in the large group instruction (LGI) room after school. At the meeting, members plan to discuss ways to use the money raised from the club’s Homecoming...

Members of the CHS Anime Club watch an anime episode during their meeting. According to Chen, the members have had the opportunity to choose which shows to watch during meetings. SARAH LIU / PHOTO

Anime Club to meet March 25

Beats March 21, 2013

According to Yanying Chen, CHS Anime Club president and junior, the next anime club meeting is scheduled to occur on March 25 after school in the large group instruction (LGI) room on the first floor of...

Anime Club to meet March 11

Beats February 28, 2013

According to Yanying Chen, CHS Anime Club president and junior, the next club meetings will occur on March 11 after school in the large group instruction (LGI) room on the first floor of the Freshman Center. “They...

Anime Club members choose anime episodes to watch

Beats February 5, 2013

The CHS Anime Club has not scheduled any recent major events except for the end-of-the-year party, which will occur sometime in May, according to Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and junior. However,...

Anime Club to experience period of inactivity

Beats January 17, 2013

The CHS Anime Club has not scheduled any major events until the end-of-the-year party, according to Yanying Chen, Anime Club president and junior. Although the club has not planned any new events for...

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