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Recent reports about fashion industry causing environmental damage provoke student interest in sustainability

Recent reports about fashion industry causing environmental damage provoke student interest in sustainability

Beats April 18, 2014

If you happen to pick up a current fashion magazine, you may notice that the top runway trends for Spring 2014 fashion include pastel colors, iridescent fabrics, art-inspired prints, full skirts — as...

Principal John Williams talks to secretary Jan Brown about scheduling meetings. According to Principal Williams, summer school will be offered both at CHS and online this year. CLAUDIA HUANG / PHOTO

Summer school to take place both at CHS and online

Beats April 15, 2014

For the first time this summer, students will be able to choose between taking summer school courses at the school or online through the Indiana Online Academy (IOA) according to Principal John Williams. Williams...

Principal John Williams talks to a student in the hallway. Williams said the school is preparing for the administration of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Test for Schools. CLAUDIA HUANG / PHOTO

School to administer Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Test for Schools on Feb. 26

Beats February 24, 2014

The school will be administering the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Test for Schools on Feb. 26 to 85 CHS students, according to Principal John Williams. The results of the...

Principal John Williams checks his email. Williams said the school is preparing for the administration of a standardized test for low-scoring students on the PSAT and ECA exams. CLAUDIA HUANG / PHOTO

School to administer ACCUPLACER diagnostic exam to low-scoring students on PSAT, ECA examinations

Beats January 28, 2014

Due to the Indiana state requirements on college and career readiness, the school is required to administer the ACCUPLACER diagnostic exam to low-performing students, according to Principal John Williams....

 Senior Shelby Hiter leans on a stack of books about World War I and World War II.  She has always had a strong interest in history, particularly the history of our nation.

Students, educators notice declining interest in humanities subjects

feature January 23, 2014

From a young age, senior Shelby Hiter has been captivated by the humanities, especially English and history. “I love humanities. I definitely have more of a gift for those than math and science subjects;...

Student body president George Gemelas works on a document for Senate. Gemelas said that he is eager to see the formation of the AP Capstone Program. CLAUDIA HUANG / PHOTO

School to prepare for the implementation of the AP Capstone Program

Beats December 4, 2013

The administration has selected the teachers who will participate in the AP Capstone Program and is preparing to meet with other schools who are piloting the program, according to Principal John Williams. Williams...

Principal John Williams works on his computer in his office. Williams said that the classes of the AP Capstone Program will count as English credits next year. CLAUDIA HUANG / PHOTO

The AP Capstone Program to be part of the English department next school year

Beats November 13, 2013

The classes of the AP Capstone Program will count as English credits, according to Principal John Williams. He said the administration does not want students to sacrifice elective classes in order to participate...

Principal John Williams talks to students in the hallway during passing period. Williams said that the administration is going to advertise the AP Capstone Program in the upcoming months. CLAUDIA HUANG / PHOTO

Administration plan to participate in AP Capstone Program, publicize program to sophomores

Beats October 25, 2013

The administration is tentatively planning to participate in the AP Capstone Program for the 2014-2015 school year and working on advertising the program to the Sophomore Class, which will be the first...

Student Body President George Gemelas works on a computer to prepare issues to discuss with the administration. Gemelas said he hopes that senior attendance will improve this year on PSAT day, but is doubtful. HUANG/PHOTO

Guest Speaker Ken Larose to come for seniors on Oct. 16 while other grades take standardized tests

Beats October 13, 2013

Ken Larose, associate athletic director at Butler University, has been invited to speak to seniors on Oct. 16, the day that the PSAT will be administered to the juniors and sophomores and the PLAN for...

HiLite staff earns CSPA Gold Circle awards

Author Archives September 27, 2013

HiLite staff members received Gold Circle awards from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA), according to a press release sent out on Sept. 20. The 30-year-old award program recognizes work...

Awareness. Students must be aware of government decisions regarding STEM education.

perspectives August 14, 2013

This summer, I had the privilege of attending the Research Science Institute (RSI) hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with 80 other high school students aspiring to be scientists. This...

A construction worker watches the construction lift rise. Assistant Principal Doug Bird said that the construction team plans to finish the new fitness center for the 2013-2014 school year. CLAUDIA HUANG / PHOTO

Fitness center to be completed by next school year

Beats June 10, 2013

According to Assistant Principal Doug Bird, the construction team is on track to complete the new fitness center for the 2013-2014 school year. The construction team will continue to work throughout the...

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