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  • ACE WEEK IS DEC. 16 - 19
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Your source for CHS news


Astronomy club sponsor Keith Turner adjusts the video projector, so there will not be any light leaks during a show. According to Turner, the Cosmic Colors show will be on March 28 at the CHS planetarium. JULIE XU / PHOTO

Astronomy Club to hold Cosmic Colors show on March 28

Beats March 22, 2014

The Astronomy Club will hold the Cosmic Colors show at the CHS planetarium on March 28 at 7 p.m. and a second show at 8 p.m., according to sponsor Keith Turner. Turner said the show will educate the audience...

Keith Turner, Astronomy Club sponsor, talks to Yanying Chen, club president and senior, in the planetarium. Turner said he is currently planning a field trip to the Adler planetarium with Astronomy Club members. JULIE XU / PHOTO

Astronomy Club plans for field trip in the spring

Beats January 17, 2014

  Astronomy Club members are currently planning a club field trip to Chicago to visit the Adler planetarium and other museums in the spring, according to sponsor Keith Turner. Turner said he...

Tinker Tour USA visits Boston national journalism convention, educates students about the Tinker v. Des Moines court case

acumen November 15, 2013

  At the 2013 JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention, Mary Beth Tinker, freedom of speech activist and an instigator of the Tinker v. Des Moines Supreme Court case, is scheduled...

Culture Clash: How do CHS students who have multiple backgrounds see life differently than their peers?

Culture Clash: How do CHS students who have multiple backgrounds see life differently than their peers?

acumen October 3, 2013

Every year for Thanksgiving, senior Jessica Lecher experiences a fusion of her two cultural backgrounds as she enjoys both turkey and the traditional Chinese food that her grandmother makes. With a father...

Astronomy club sponsor Keith Turner adjusts the star machine in order to prepare for a presentation.  Turner said Astronomy Club will have a meeting on Sept. 30 after school in the planetarium. JULIE XU / PHOTO

Astronomy Club will meet after school on Sept. 30

Beats September 26, 2013

According to sponsor Keith Turner, Astronomy Club will have a meeting on Sept. 30 after school from 3:15 to 3:35 p.m. in the planetarium. Turner said, at the meeting, he will teach students how...

Telecommunications students to work on final portfolios

Beats May 23, 2013

According to CHTV sponsor Erin Earnest, all telecommunications students are working on their final portfolios, and advanced telecommunications students are working on the CHS year-end review show, which...

CHTV students working on short films

Beats April 30, 2013

All telecommunications classes are working on short films, which will be aired on a screening day in the media center at the end of the year, according to CHTV sponsor Erin Thorpe Thorpe said that one...

CHTV students are working on shows that will air throughout the summer

Beats April 1, 2013

All telecommunication students will be working on studio programs and shows that will air throughout the summer. The advanced telecommunication classes will work on a year-end review show, which wraps...

Advanced telecommunication students to prepare for CEF telethon, phonathon

Beats March 8, 2013

The CEF telethon and phonathon will occur simultaneously from March 12 to 14. The CEF telethon involves the airing of the performing arts showcase video the advanced telecommunication students filmed,...

Intermediate telecommunication students are working on how-to videos

Beats February 18, 2013

The intermediate telecommunication students are working on a first round of how-to videos for accomplishing tasks around the station, according to CHTV sponsor Erin Earnest. For example, a project could...

Cam Glass, advanced telecommunications student and senior, reads over the script for a video for
video project for the Indiana Association School Broadcasters (IASB) competition. According to CHTV supervisor Erin Earnest, all CHTV classes
are working on submissions for the (IASB) contest on March 4, in
which students enter their work to compete in different broadcasting categories. XU / PHOTO

CHTV classes work on IASB submission for March 4 and prepare for preforming arts show case on Feb. 26

Beats January 30, 2013

All CHTV classes are working on submissions for the March 4 Indiana Association School Broadcasters (IASB) contest, in which students enter their work to compete in different broadcasting categories. Advanced...

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