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Students listen to a guest speaker's presentation at a college and career workshop hosted at CHS by the counseling center. Due to COVID-19, these workshops have been moved to be online.

In-school summer courses, counseling workshops to move online

Kassandra Darnell May 21, 2020

Due to COVID-19, AP Macroeconomics and AP Government, in-school summer classes traditionally offered at CHS, have been transferred online. This school still plans to offer students the opportunity to receive...

National Art Honor Society Events Canceled

National Art Honor Society Events Canceled

Kassandra Darnell April 3, 2020

With National Art Honor Society, what specifically has been canceled because of the coronavirus? Okay, well, technically, March is Youth Arts Month. So this was really supposed to be our like biggest...

Carmel wins bike-friendly award, plans to continue bicycling infrastructure

Kassandra Darnell March 20, 2020

The information in this issue—originally scheduled for publication on March 20—was written and produced prior to news regarding school cancellation from the COVID-19 virus. Some information may be...

Next year’s English curriculum to incoporate more freedom of choice in literature

Kassandra Darnell February 21, 2020

Starting in the 2020-21 school year, the school board plans to implement a more diverse English curriculum throughout the district. This curriculum will expand the type of literature students...

Yumi Colombo, Accents member and junior (left) along with other members of Accents practice the set choreography during a Wednesday night rehearsal.  Colombo said practicing long hours has motivated the choir to work towards improvement as well as create a close bond among the girls.

Show choir competitions are beneficial for choir students

Kassandra Darnell February 21, 2020

Yumi Colombo, Accents member and junior, spends her SRT in room P118 working with her choir director to perfect the dances the Accents are learning for their competition set. When Colombo isn’t in SRT...

Juulsuit: Community members debate teen vaping epidemic following Carmel family lawsuit

Kassandra Darnell October 24, 2019

The number of vaping related fatalities has increased to 33 as of Oct. 17, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC reported up to 1,479 patients affected by vaping-related...

The men’s tennis and football teams watch the “Step Up to Sexual Assault” presentation. The presentation was shown to the athletics and performing arts departments and student government this year.

Step Up to Sexual Assault: Administration, students focus on importance of new sexual assault prevention presentation

Kassandra Darnell September 20, 2019

Logan Sandlin, varsity track and junior varsity cross-country runner and senior, sits among his teammates in the auditorium before practice as he listens to the “Step Up to Stop Sexual Assault” presentation....

Superintendent Michael Beresford explains proposed changes to daily schedule

Kassandra Darnelll May 23, 2019

Why the consideration to implement later start times now? It’s a big swing. The reason for the secondary, 6-12, study that we’re doing is that there’s a ton of research that says that adolescents...

A Greener Tomorrow: Earth Day creates student activism  in climage change, ways to help the Earth

A Greener Tomorrow: Earth Day creates student activism in climage change, ways to help the Earth

Kassandra Darnell, Maddie Kosc, and Angela Qian April 19, 2019

On march 15, senior evan Kenyon spent his afternoon listening to speeches from students all over Indiana and participating in chants about climate change while marching around downtown Indianapolis. The...

Carmel UNICEF invites students to charity ball tonight to fundraise for Cyclone Idai victims

Carmel UNICEF invites students to charity ball tonight to fundraise for Cyclone Idai victims

Tara Kandallu April 19, 2019

This year, Carmel UNICEF plans  to host their first charity ball, which costs $10 to attend, today from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Freshman Cafeteria with booths from other humanitarian aid clubs at this school....

MAKING MONEY: Senior Luisana Rodriguez checks how many seats are available in Red Robin. Rodriguez has worked at Red Robin for a little less than a year. She said that her family sends money over to their relatives in Venezuela to help make their lives easier.

Moving from Venezuela to Carmel opens new doors for students

Kassandra Darnell April 19, 2019

Two years ago, senior Luisana Rodriguez and her mother left their home in Venezuela and moved to the United States in order to avoid the growing political and economic crisis spreading across the country....

NHS prepares for fourth quarter and new member inductions

Kassandra Darnell March 26, 2019

National Honor Society wrapped up third quarter with a successful telethon to raise money for the Carmel Education Foundation (CEF) on Feb. 19 to Feb. 21.     “We’re going to do some sort of service...

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