Reluctant Relief. Five weeks after the hurricane, the U.S.’ efforts to help Puerto Rico are still greatly lagging
Manahil Nadeem, Editor in Chief
• November 17, 2017

Speak Freely. Americans should be respectful of those who speak languages other than English.
Manahil Nadeem, Editor in Chief
• August 15, 2017

No Date, No Hate: Valentines Day should be about self love instead of couple love.
Gabby Perelmuter, Social Media Editor
• January 27, 2017

GKOM to meet with freshmen on Oct. 28
Manahil Nadeem, Perspectives Editor
• October 25, 2016

Thank You Mr. President: As Barack Obama’s term officially ends, the public should take a moment to acknowledge him for all that he has done
Manahil Nadeem, Perspectives Editor
• October 13, 2016
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