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Your source for CHS news


Sergeant Phil Hobson and Assistant Principal Amy Skeens-Benton observe the freshman cafeteria during lunch. According to Skeens-Benton, it is important for students to understand administration is always looking out for the students.

In Close Quarters: CHS students, administration reflect on recent events, future safety regulations

Raphael Li, Manahil Nadeem March 23, 2018

A knife. Multiple fights. Threats. Rumors. These are words that could be used to describe the month of February, which was plagued with an unfortunate series of events, leading to two arrests and two public...

It's Time: Carmel residents should use their voices to support the proposed mosque

It’s Time: Carmel residents should use their voices to support the proposed mosque

Manahil Nadeem February 23, 2018

I feel safe saying that the town in which I grew up, Carmel, is a platform for the interfaith concept. We are home to 42 churches, two synagogues and one mosque: the Al Salam Foundation. Set in a small...

Creative Commons-licensed image.

Speak-Up : Will you be watching the Grammys tonight or not, and why?

Manahil Nadeem January 28, 2018

Manahil Nadeem Junior Victoria "Tori" Ledezma "I am going to watch the Grammys. I know the viewership has gone down over the views, but I still really like to watch the live performances and watch...

Reluctant Relief. Five weeks after the hurricane, the U.S.’  efforts to help Puerto Rico are still greatly lagging

Reluctant Relief. Five weeks after the hurricane, the U.S.’ efforts to help Puerto Rico are still greatly lagging

Manahil Nadeem, Editor in Chief November 17, 2017

Last year in AP U.S. history, we learned about delayed relief for Hurricane Katrina. Twelve years later, parallels can be seen in the relief efforts for Puerto Rico. On Sept. 16, Puerto Rico was struck...

OKTOBER FUN:  OktoberFest attendees cheer for the band performing onstage. This year, the polka band Polka Boys will be performing in Carmel for the celebration.

Falling into Festivities: As Munich’s 16-day OktoberFest approaches, Carmel prepares to celebrate the festival in Indiana.

Manahil Nadeem September 21, 2017

The polka band plays in the background as the sounds of German music and the smells of German food fill the city square. “It’s OktoberFest in Carmel,” Vanessa Stiles, the event planner for  Carmel’s...

Principal Tom Harmas shakes hands with the 2017-2018 drum majors at the back-to-school convocation. Harmas plans to implement administrator walk-ins this semester.

Principal Tom Harmas adjusts to CHS, plans to implement administrator walk-ins.

Manahil Nadeem September 8, 2017

During this semester, many students will witness the first of many administrator walk-ins in their classrooms, according to Principal Tom Harmas. “Our administrators are going to do walk-throughs,...

Speak Freely. Americans should be respectful of those  who speak languages other than English.

Speak Freely. Americans should be respectful of those who speak languages other than English.

Manahil Nadeem, Editor in Chief August 15, 2017

For months now, my Facebook and Twitter timelines have filled with horrifying videos of immigrants being berated by Americans for speaking their own languages. In grocery stores. In parks. In restaurants....

Senior Darren Chang checks a Robot Arm during a Science Olympiad meeting. The Robot Arm is one of the build events in competitions.

Slipping out of Science: While there is large interest in STEM fields at CHS, it is paralleled with large dropout rate during college.

Bethlehem Daniel and Manahil Nadeem March 17, 2017

Meet senior Darren Chang. For the past three summers, Chang has worked eight to 10 hours a day for five days a week to complete his research project on transcription modulation at the Indiana University...

First Lady, Second Chance: From communism to nude photo shoots, First Lady Melania Trump will shatter precedents set by previous presidential spouses, has the chance to make change.

First Lady, Second Chance: From communism to nude photo shoots, First Lady Melania Trump will shatter precedents set by previous presidential spouses, has the chance to make change.

January 27, 2017

  Love her or hate her, Melania Trump will completely change the expectations of a First Lady. Statistically speaking, it’s more likely you hate her. In fact, it’s something she and Hillary...

No Date, No Hate: Valentines Day should be about self  love instead of couple love.

No Date, No Hate: Valentines Day should be about self love instead of couple love.

Gabby Perelmuter, Social Media Editor January 27, 2017

Valentines day may be the most questionable holiday in America. The origins of the holiday are sketchy. First, there is the famous St. Valentine of the Romans. According to, the point of...

Erica Helding leads her GKOM group to the art hallway. The next GKOM connection is on Oct. 28.

GKOM to meet with freshmen on Oct. 28

Manahil Nadeem, Perspectives Editor October 25, 2016

 Greyhound kick-off mentors (GKOM) to meet with their freshman in their designated rooms on Oct. 28. The GKOMs will talk to their freshmen in their designated SRTs, according to council sponsor Mike...

Thank You Mr. President: As Barack Obama’s term officially ends, the public should take a moment to acknowledge him for all that he has done

Thank You Mr. President: As Barack Obama’s term officially ends, the public should take a moment to acknowledge him for all that he has done

Manahil Nadeem, Perspectives Editor October 13, 2016

For the past six months the most pressing, dramatic and significant news broadcasted by all major news outlets has been concerned with the impending presidential election. As Election Day rolls around...

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