In three weeks, Freshman Class co-sponsor John Love will hold a meeting for the freshman officers to discuss future activities for the class.
“Since it’s the start of a new quarter, we’re going to wait a few weeks before we get (the officers) together to talk about the different activities we could do. But whatever the officers want to do, it’s up to them. I have no idea what they’re planning,” Love said.
President Sam Pittman also isn’t sure of any plans. “We don’t know what we want to do yet, but we know we want to make it fun and exciting so everyone will go. We also want to raise as much money as we can this year for our charity, The Riley Children’s Hospital,” he said.
While Love said he isn’t sure what the officers are planning, he said he is sure of the point of holding these activities. “The point for these activities and fundraisers is to get the kids involved in the school,” Love said. “We organize these things to benefit both the school and the CHS community at large.”