The members of Chess Club will participate in upcoming chess tournaments. The club is also hosting a club T-shirt design contest.
According to club sponsor Margaret Winans, there is an upcoming chess tournament open to all students, not just club members. Club officer and junior Andrew Kluttz said that many club members will be participating in the Indiana State K-12 Grade Chess Championship. According to Kluttz the championship is for individual participants. “Basically you compete with (players) in your grade (in) high schools all throughout Indiana,” Kluttz said.
The championship will take place on Nov. 10 at Canterbury High School. Club officer and junior Sameer Manchanda said there is no bus but many of the club members will be carpooling. Student participation if not required for club members. Students interested in the championship can receive additional information here, or a form from one of the club officers.
Kluttz said the T-shirt design contest is open to anyone in the school or outside of it. Kluttz said they will be announcing the contest details on the morning announcements soon. “The winner gets a free copy of the T-shirt, which is pretty cool because they designed it and stuff,” Kluttz said. Manchanda said that entries into the competition must be school appropriate. “We had 36 entries, 34 of which had to be kicked out, so they must be appropriate,” Manchanda said.
The monthly blitz tournaments will continue on the first Monday of November. The winners of the October monthly blitz tournament will receive free ice cream.