Alright, well first off I’m just going to say that even though I haven’t written anything since February, I haven’t given up on my blog yet. I’m hoping to start writing more often, but we’ll see what happens. Now on to this week’s topic: school elections.
Other than Homecoming, Election Week(s) at CHS show how spirited our student body can be. Neon flyers and posters cover the cafeterias demanding votes for Speaker of the House and Student Body President this week and then later Senators and Class Officers. Candidates encourage their peers with candy and smiles, and by the end of the week, going to lunch can be somewhat overwhelming, not including the Facebook messaging, constant tweets, and social media spamming about the election when you get home. Don’t get me wrong, Election Week is fun (maybe more fun for some than others), but this year is a little different from the past.
Last year, a total of nine people ran for SOH and SBP, which was typical compared to previous years. This year, there are three. But you’ll see campaign flyers for only two of them since Leo Biette is the only candidate for Speaker and already has the job. (Congrats, Leo!!!) The campaigning shouldn’t be as crazy, but it’s still important for those of you returning to Carmel next year. Seniors can’t vote since we’ll be out of here in a couple months (woo!), but the rest of you can, so go and do it! You can vote right here. You should vote for George Gemelas- not just because I say so, but because he’s really the best candidate. I’m not gonna write a whole post about why he’s the awesome, though, since not only would that take forever but also the choice is ultimately yours to make.
This election week has been weird so far with only two candidates. There’s seriously more flyers for cookiegrams and High School Night this Friday, which if you want to know more about you should look at the signs all along the trail put up by yours truly. There’s my shameless plug for my CMYC friends, but seriously even though we’re digressing, I’m totally getting $1 ice cream from Auntie Em’s this Friday. Mmm! Anyways, I feel like a lot of people don’t even know the election’s going on, so you’re welcome because now you’re in the know. It’s nice to be in the know.
Hmm, well I guess that’s all I have to say. Vote for George! And the Senators and Class Officers in a few weeks. And then smile because by that time, we’ll have like basically no school left.
Until next time,
p.s. I love Victor.
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