According to Superintendent Nicholas Wahl, the school board has drafted action plans for the upcoming school year. Wahl also said the first meeting for the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee would take place in November.
Wahl said, “The overarching goals regarding communication, facility, finances and faculty and staff were presented at the meeting. So what I’m doing now will be to bring back suggested edits for approval in November.”
Wahl said the new action plan would be a student-centered model, while keeping other groups in mind.

“We need to look at a student growth model for academic, social and emotional learning pre-K through 12th grade. I have set up the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee for students to give feedback on district policies,” Wahl said. “I’m looking for a similar type of faculty advisory. I’m suggesting we put together a committee of teachers and administrators to see if the current teacher evaluation system is effective as well.”
Senior Samuel Pickett said the opportunity for feedback is a welcome innovation.
Pickett said, “Before we were only able to communicate with just school leaders. This way we have a way we can voice our opinions directly to someone who has oversight over a lot of upcoming changes.”
Wahl also said changes would be discussed in the forthcoming months.
“Mr. Williams and I have started to talk about opportunities we would like to start to pursue (in lieu of Senate Bill 189). We aren’t just going to wait around. We will be exploring ways to expand student opportunities.”