According to CHTV sponsor Anna Kaiser, CHTV students are practicing proper broadcast style in order to ready themselves for the announcements.
“We haven’t set an official date, but the goal is that we will start airing announcements either the weeks of homecoming or the week after,” Kaiser said. “We had to review script writing and law and ethics just to refresh the students’ memories. This way they will remember to implement these things in their broadcasts.”

Allison Witucki, CHTV member and senior, will report news stories for the announcements and looks forward to the start of the live airings. She practices with mock trials of the announcements.
“I want to gain new experience and learn more about the telecommunications broadcast world,” Witucki said. “We do mock announcements that are fake, but we get to practice positions and how to talk. So I am preparing myself to come up with news stories that relate back to Carmel and write the script.”