The media center will celebrate Banned Books Week from Sept. 26 through Oct. 3. According to Bonnie Grimble, media center department chairperson, Banned Books Week commemorates the role of the First Amendment in the media center.
“(Banned Books Week) is a celebration of the freedom to read and the freedom to choose,” she said.
Grimble will give presentations on her experience with book banning on Sept. 20 during first period and Sept. 30 during fifth period.
“When I was a first-year librarian at Warsaw Community Schools, the school district actually burned a banned book,” Grimble said. English teachers may bring their classes to the presentations.
Junior Abigail Herman said Banned Books Week is an important event because it reminds students of their First Amendment rights. “Even though books are banned, it’s because it has ideals most people don’t want kids to read about, but it’s still good to be able to learn and choose,” she said.
Grimble said, “Banned Books Week is a nationwide event celebrating the ability to select from a full array of possibilities at libraries.” By Caroline Zhang <>