Melinda Stephan, College and Career Coordinator, works on an email about counseling center updates. Most of the information from the counseling center will be sent via email, but students will still receive information during SRT.
According to Melinda Stephan, College and Career Coordinator, juniors and incoming freshman are currently scheduling for the following school year. “It feels like we’re always doing scheduling,” she said, “but that’s really where our counselors are at now.”
Additionally, on Feb 23 and March 5, Finding Your College Fit Workshops will be available to underclassmen.
“It is most appropriate for juniors, but I have had sophomores come in the past, and it really is just trying to figure out how to navigate your options and understanding fit and how you look for that in a college,” Stephan said.
Senior Sarah McDanell said she recommends underclassmen to attend a college fit workshop, “At first I didn’t think it would help much, but now I am more confident in my choices and what I have applied to this year, so I would ask that anyone who is even slightly concerned about their college choices go to one.”
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