WHJE will help out at the Ghost and Goblins 5K run, which takes place this Saturday, Oct. 27, at CHS. They will run the DJ stand and live broadcast the race.
The sports section also plans to cover the sectional football game against Westfield this Friday and the women’s soccer finals live at 6 p.m. on Saturday.
In addition, the sports section of WHJE purchased a comrex, a piece of equipment used to broadcast feed on the station from a farther distance and to provide better quality and more information to listeners during all sports events.
Spencer Pickering, sports broadcaster and junior, said, “Football is wrapping up, and we’re trying to broadcast a lot of new stuff. So, we’re trying to do lacrosse, soccer and hockey. We’re just trying to get into a lot of new things.”
WHJE advisor Dominic James said, “We’re also pleased we did our first hockey broadcast ever, I think, last Saturday evening. So we’re continuing to try some new stuff.” By Amy Tian