Noah Tan, member of Philharmonic Orchestra and sophomore, takes his
cello out of its case before after school rehearsal. He said the main
focus of his orchestra class for the past few weeks has been to
prepare their chamber music and contest music.
The CHS orchestras will host their chamber music concert, which was originally scheduled to be on Jan. 30, on Feb. 8 in Room P100. Director of orchestras Elisabeth Ohly-Davis said the Philharmonic, Symphony and Camerata Orchestras will play during this concert, and the concert will take place during each orchestra’s respective class period.
“Camerata (Orchestra) is going to play during B2, Symphony (Orchestra) is going to play during B3 and Philharmonic (Orchestra) is going to play during B4,” Ohly-Davis said. “(Orchestra director Thomas) Chen is looking to do a livestream through our new Youtube channel, but that has not been set yet.”
Noah Tan, member of Philharmonic Orchestra and sophomore, said he and his chamber group have been preparing their music all throughout the month of January and are looking forward to performing. “Since last Wednesday was a snow day, we rescheduled the chamber music concert for this Friday,” Tan said. “We’ve been working really hard on our pieces, and it should be fun.” By Wendy Zhu
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