National Honor Society (NHS) wrapped up its carnation sale last week. The flowers were delivered on Feb. 13, but more were sold afterward due to an excess amount of carnations.
“We delivered them on the 13th and then we ended up actually selling more on Valentine’s Day because we had more. So we sold them an extra day,” NHS president Josh Schumann said. “And then we delivered our extras to a retirement home; it’s called Brookdale, off of Rangline.”
NHS is also beginning its transition period, beginning with the application process for next year’s seniors. NHS sponsor Michelle Skidmore said this year’s application will be smoother than previous years.
“We’re no longer mailing the packets home. We’re no longer doing paper applications. We’ve transitioned to online applications so it was a lot to get that set up but it should facilitate the application process much better,” Skidmore said.
The Carmel Education Foundation (CEF) also hosted its annual telethon from Feb. 19 to Feb. 21 to raise money for the foundation.
“We have students that are volunteering at (the telethon). They’re just making calls and going off a script,” Schumann said. By Kassandra Darnell