“When I was little, Ash Wednesday was really confusing (to me). But now I understand that we are dust and to dust we shall return. That’s what they say when ash is put on our foreheads. Having that explained to me was really impactful because we have a soul on this earth, and our soul is really what is going to last—not our body.”

Freshman Allison “Allie” Wolf
“It’s become one of my favorite times of year because last year I did a Lent challenge with my friends and now I always look forward to that. It gets me excited for the start of spring.”

Senior Ellie Austin
“I always spend Lent trying to make big changes in my life whether that’s in personal goals or faith filled goals, and so it helps me to kick start that process.”

Freshman Theo Curtis
“It’s the start of the time where you can pick something to take a break from, and you can just focus more on God and not on the thing that was in your life, like taking a break off of soda, for example. I’ve grown up with it my whole life and it’s really done a lot for me.”