Towards the end of the semester, Latin II teacher Stephanie Fettig has begun to teach more in-depth content on grammar and reading Latin by allowing students to explore the book Cloelia.
“Starting this book will be very helpful when we look further into developing knowledge and ability to understand Latin. It will allow us to cover a lot of different things of writing such as grammar and format while learning to read it,” Fettig said.
Sophomore Ainsley Wilson is taking Latin II and said starting this book will be a benefit to her.
“I like how we can use this book to develop our skills to read Latin and understand how to write it, but I know it will be a challenge to me because we have never done something like this,” she said.
Prajwal Vijay Kumar, Latin II student and junior, said, “So far, reading this book is not too hard, and I have grown into the book. It is very interesting to see how other people write to get another view on it.”