Junior Rylie Wilpolt throws the ball on Aug. 16, 2022 during a home game against South Bend Saint Joe. The final score was 1-0. Photo: Maggie Meyer.
The women’s varsity soccer team will play Noblesville at White River Elementary School Sept. 19 at 7 p.m. Noblesville’s record is 9-1 and are ranked #1 in the state according to the Sept 12. Indiana Soccer Coaches Association. CHS’ record is 9-1-1 and are ranked #3 respectively.
Head Coach Frank Dixon said via email, “We are always interested in playing great defense which didn’t happen early in the year but has improved rapidly. We are now working hard on ways to score goals.”
Bethany Ducat, varsity soccer player and senior said that she is confident in the team this year.
“We are working on technique, and doing conditioning, to stay fit, and to be able to play in the best shape possible,” Ducat said.
The women’s varsity soccer schedule, scores and other information can be found here
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