CHS theater students, teachers reflect on the recent fall play, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare. The play was shown Nov. 7 through Nov. 9. According to Grant Steckbeck, theater and film director, the show was a success and many viewers were in attendance.
“Our cast did a great job with this play,” Steckbeck said. “They worked very hard preparing for this play, especially our seniors and it paid off.”
Senior Jack Kennedy said he was excited to be in this year’s fall play. He said he always looks forward to the big plays at the end of each season, but especially this one.
“As a graduating senior, this is going to be my last fall play here,” Kennedy said. “It holds a lot of sentiment and I want my last year with CHS theater to be a memorable one. This show was incredible.”
Steckbeck said he is proud of the cast. He said he hopes future shows will be as good as this one.
“Everyone involved in the play, either being a cast member or working backstage, all did such a great job,” Steckbeck said. “I hope that everyone is proud of themselves, especially our seniors and that their last fall performance here at CHS is one that they will remember and think back on no matter if they choose to go on to pursue performing arts or not.”
Kennedy said he looks forward to being in the spring play, “Big Fish,” next semester and said he hopes to make more memorable experiences during his last year being involved in CHS theater.