On Nov. 11, the United States will observe the federal holiday known as Veteran’s day. Veteran’s day is an American holiday that honors our country’s military veterans. On Nov. 10 during SRT, the Senior Class will participate in CHS’s annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony.
Will Ellery, social studies teacher and ceremony organizer, said, “A part of our responsibility, especially as a social studies department, is to create a responsible citizenry. A piece of that is students coming to understand the sacrifices people have made in the past so that we can have the freedoms we have today.”
According to Ellery, only seniors will be attending the ceremony, simply because of the matter of space. However, it will be broadcasted live on CHTV and presented in all of the SRT rooms. “We really want each student to be a part of it,” said Ellery.
As far as changes to this year’s ceremony regarding previous years, there will not be many. “As far as the structure of the ceremony,” said Ellery, “there won’t be any major changes. The ambassadors and the wind symphony will perform, and most of the core elements will stay the same. We will also be having a new student speaker and a representative veteran from our community, who vary each year.”
As far as this year’s student speaker, it is still undecided. Jacob Vahle, senior and master of ceremony, said, “We have a few choices for this year’s student speaker. It is still undecided, however we should have chosen by Wednesday [Nov. 2]. Our guest speaker will be a veteran from the Carmel area.”
The goal for the ceremony is for each student to come up with what Veteran’s Day means to him or her. “ It’s student run. We want each student to draw their own conclusions as to why we recognize our veterans,” said Ellery.