Teen Library Council (TLC) applications will be available on May 15. Applicants must return the completed applications to the Young Adult Services desk at the Carmel Clay Public Library (CCPL) by June 15.

CHS students are eligible to apply unless they graduate this school year. According to Hope Baugh, Young Adult Services manager at the CCPL, the TLC helps select books, plan programs, and serve as a consulting group for the CCPL. She said being a TLC member can have an effect on all CHS students that use the library.
“Serving on the TLC is a good way to meet other people and have fun while doing something that helps the whole community. It also counts as volunteer hours,” Baugh said.
However, Baugh said that being on the TLC is not for everyone.
“You have to fill out a written application and go through an interview, and if you are accepted you have to promise to at least attend a monthly meeting,” Baugh said. “You have to want the public library to continue to be successful and you have to be willing to get along with a diverse group of people.”
According to Shea Jendrusina, member of the TLC and senior, another good way for students to get involved with the library is to make their needs known to the library, so that the library can work to meet them.