The media staff has set apart “Quiet Zones” in three areas of the media center, according to media department chairperson Bonnie Grimble.
“It’s really nothing new,” Grimble said. “We are just letting people know that the classrooms are available for such use.”
Grimble said one of the reasons for the designation of the quiet areas was the need for the library to ensure that people could find a place to study, especially during late starts and finals week.
“The areas have always been there, but we are just making sure that we provide people that access,” Grimble said.

The media center has three different designated areas catering to students’ varying degrees of silence.
According to Grimble, the “active” section is for students helping each other with schoolwork, the “passive” section is for complete quiet study and the “inner active” section is for group work and people talking with each other.
Freshman Noah Smith said he thinks the Quiet Zones are notably effective for studying.
“When I need to study for quizzes and tests, I can just come in here and not be distracted,” Smith said. “I think it’s a real effective area for studying, especially when you need to memorize for quizzes and tests.”
Grimble also said she enjoys seeing the areas fully used by students.
“When students need a place to study, they can always be assured that the library will have these areas and opportunities for them to study quietly,” Grimble said.